Or maybe I am just dreaming. It certainly doesn't look very 'Springish' out there!
Regardless, by the time Spring does decide to show her face, I will have an arsenal of cute dresses to wear. That is my goal at least. Two done, fabric for a least two more to go!

Next up on the list to make: Blue dress with white Polkadots!
Also, can I just say that sometimes it is fun to be me? I think that if I have ONE positive trait, it is creativity and imagination. Intriguing, different things make me just want to create create create.
I know I have reiterated this probably too many times to count, but to me, makeup is an art form. While I love Canvas as well (Speaking of which I just bought a bunch of those and should really get to painting with actual paints!) I also love the human face. It has so much texture and depth and each is so unique. Yet at the same time you can take a face and completely alter the perception of it by playing around with a little makeup.
Now last night I didn't go to any great extremes, but I did have fun experimenting. Since I love red makeup and since I do looks for
Pure Fusion Mineral Makeup I asked Chantelle if she had any. She didn't at the time, but what is absolutely amazing is, she thought that it was a good idea and wanted to try make some and let me be the tester! How amazing is she?
Actually that reminds me. One of these days I REALLY need to ask her how on earth she got into making makeup and how she does it! It absolutely floors me that she actually makes it on her own. So cool.
Right, back to the point. She sent me a bunch of samples and so I tried a few of them out last night with some other eyeshadows by Pure Fusion and came up with the following look:
Makeup Used:
Eyeshadows: Lemon (pure fusion), Tuscan Sun (pure fusion), Unnamed Red (pure fusion)
Eyelashes: Makeup Forever
Glue (for lashes and jewels): Duo Eyelash Glue
Is that all I had to say? I think so!